Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm not supposed to be good at it...

I've been in a funk lately, in my writing, in my exercise regime, with my poker club, in my family life, in my spiritual life, in life in general. No big, nasty, horrible things are happening to me, just a general malaise has hung like a cloud around me. I've felt like I'm just not particularly good at anything. I know this feeling very well. I've had this feeling in periods of my life. But today (my birthday) I've discovered something profound. Watch this video and you'll see what I mean.

"...when you are learning things, you suck at them." I don't even know who this woman is, but I think she has stumbled on a deeply profound idea. Life is all about learning. I think maybe I've spent my life never really getting past the "suckitude" stage. I find something I like, I work at it a while then I start to feel like I'm just not that good at it, so I move on to something else. But what this smart lady is saying is I'm not supposed to be good at it, at first. Life is all about learning new things, but if we don't, if I don't ever get past the "sucking" stage, then what good are my attempts? I should just quit trying if every time I try, I quit.

So, here is to being lousy at something, but pushing on through. Here's to working from suckage to awesome, and not jumping from sucking at one thing to sucking at another, over, and over again.


Tamara Morning said...

Excellent points! (Don't you wish the "sucking" portion of the program was a little shorter, though? I do!) And Happy Birthday, albeit a teensy bit late!

D.M. Bonanno said...

hysterical, and true! hang in there. :) you'll get past the suckiness!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

So, so true! And daring to suck, because you know you will keeping trying to improve, is one of the world's biggest challenges! That's why so many people get stuck at the suckage stage.

Keep going, Dale! And Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this -- absolutely awesome. I stumbled upon your blog accidentally one day and have made a point to check back periodically...seems I always time it just right to arrive when you've posted something new, and its always fun and/or encouraging. Thanks again from a fellow aspiring author.

Unknown said...

Don't know if this is just my comp, but when I type "Noah Zarc" into Google, it instead shows results for "Noah Zark" and then gives me the option of searching for "Noah Zarc", which is what I actually typed in, I just thought you should know this since your blog doesn't appear under "Noah Zark"/I don't know if this is a Google issue or what

- said...

Hey, Robert, hope things are better for you. :)